This site is for Turner girls or just anyone who is interested with learning about Turner Syndrome. For more information please go to
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Tuesday, December 20, 2011
It's Staring To Look A lot Like Christmas!!!!
Hey all of my be-e-u-ti-ful Turner sisters!! Just 5 more days until christmas and im sooo excited!!! I hope all of you who are traveling stay safe and everyone have a great holiday....I finally have more updates coming up :D
Friday, November 25, 2011
hey everybody!!! it's been forever since I last blogged! as we all know yesterday was thanksgiving and I hope all of you had a great thanksgiving and ate a bunch of food..hehe :D I had a good thanksgiving..even though I was sleeping most of the day since I had to work at midnight!!!! I'm going to find somethings to blog about and I hope you are all having a great day and I hope nobody got trampled on black friday!
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Free CME/CNE credit from The TSSUS
The Turner Syndrome Society of the United States is offering anyone who is on their mailing list post cards to send to their doctors and nurses to get more knowledge on Turner Syndrome :) email to receive the post cards or if you are a doctor or nurse you can go to click I am a new user, register for an account (use code 7442 when you regsiter!) there is a pre-test, four videos, and a quiz at the end you get a certificate for your credit! oh, did I mention it is FREE!!! Yes, Free!! :)
Monday, September 12, 2011
Back in Town!!
Sorry guys...I got a new computer and it wasn't letting me post :( I will try to post updates here soon :D
Treats And Sweets Bake Sale Kits

Heyyy everybody...The Turner Syndrome Foundation is selling bake sale kits to raise awareness for Turner Syndrome. The kit includes.....
100 Business cards
100 Treat bags
100 Two-inch round stickers
2 Spools of ribbon
10 Short and Sweet buttons
50 Awareness indication cards
1 Shipping Box
"Hosting a Successful Bake Sale Guide"
Envelope and donation remittance forms
If you would like to order a bake sale kit go to
They cost $35 :D All of the proceeds will go to the Turner Syndrome Foundation.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Turner Syndrome West Michigan Beach Party!!

There is a beach party in the west michigan area for Turner girls and their families tomorrow. It is located at Grand Haven state park. Meet at 10:00 AM at the McDonalds on Alpine Avenue off I-96 and everybody will carpool from there. If the weather is bad then everybody will still meet at Mcdonalds to discuss other options for an indoor activity. At the beach you can bring a lunch or a cooler or buy one at the concession stand!! call this number to RSVP (517) 231-3572 at least by the end of said 48 hrs, but i'm pretty sure they will still let people attend :)
Turner Syndrome Butterfly Pendants Now For Sale!!

Heyyy everybody...long time, no talk :( I really need to get myself together hahaha but I thought I would let all of you know that the TSSUS is selling the sterling sliver pendants which were a huuuuge hit at the conference!! They are $70 for members and $80 for non-members. If you would like one go to
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Conference Pictures
Bride gives donation to TSSUS

I heard this story about a Turner sisters aunt who got married and her aunt instead of accepting wedding gifts, they accepted donations to the TSSUS. The bride and groom said that it was something that was close to their hearts!! I thought that this story was sooo sweet and I thought I would share it with all of you <3
The picture is not an actual picture from the wedding, I am not allowed to use the actual wedding pictures unless I get written permission :(
Next Years Conference Location Announced :)

Hey Everybody.....It has been announced by the TSSUS that next years conference will be in Orange County, California!!! thats right, CALIFORNIA!!!! and It is just minutes away from........DISNEYLAND!!! I really hope that I can attend next year and meet all of my lovely Turner sisters. I love all of you so much! I hope all who did go to the conference this year had the time of their lives! :D
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Faces of Turner Syndrome
This is a video that was made at the conference this year. I hope you all enjoy it!! :D
Monday, July 4, 2011
Happy 4th of July :D
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Heyyy everybody I just found out about this site called it is a search engine where you type in a charity that you will like to raise money for and it raises money every time you search on it or shop online :D Turner Syndrome Society of the United States is registered with Goodsearch and has already raised $395.08
Friday, June 24, 2011
Chat With TS sisters!!
Hey everybody...Katie in da house...!!! I've just added on a chat feature for everybody who would like to chat and ask questions on the page I will log on as much as I can and keep the updates coming in :D
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Corrin Graham
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Osaka Japan
Friday, April 29, 2011
INTERNATIONAL Turner Syndrome conference!!
Yes, you heard right the 8th annual Turner Syndrome conference is soon and this year it will be in *drum roll* OSAKA JAPAN!!!! it will be held on November 23 2012-November 25 2012 (November is the best season in Japan :D ) people who are attending will be staying at Rihga Royal NBC, Nakanoshima Center Building. There will be 141 rooms ready for the attendes when they arrive. I would love to hear about thsi conference :D if you have any questions contact the Turner Syndrome society or Keinosuke Fujita (the president who is holdign the conference) at
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Turner Syndrome Conference Update!!
The Buffalo conference is only 3 months away.....I cannot attend this year :( but registration is coming up (I think late may or early june?) The price is the same as last year it is $240 per adult and the rooms are $114. If anyone who is going to the conference would like me to post pictures on the blog, facebook, or twitter page just give me an email at (Im gonna use this email instead it is easier to contact me and it will help me get to u faster!! :D YAY!!) I hope that everyone who is going to the conference has the time of their lives. and hopefully I will be able to attend and meet some of my Turner sisters!!
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Spring is here!!!
Hey guys!!! how is everyone?? I hope everyone had a lovely spring vacation :D as for me, I went to philadelphia for a mission trip. We stayed at Inner city Mission on Kennsington Avenue. We got to work with the people there, we talked to them, gave them sandwiches in the night, and did VBS with the kids and got to know them a little bit. I am so glad I went (Even though I was....homesick) oh, we also did a little sight seeing we saw the rock statue, steps, and LOVE park!!! if anyone has any pictures of their vaction they want up here just send them to me at (i know, i know....dumb email, but hey I was 10!!! haha) (i know, i know....dumb email, but hey I was 10!!! haha)
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Celebs with Turner Syndrome
Monday, February 21, 2011
College Scholarships for Turner girls
Are you a Turner girl wanting to go to college, but cannot afford it? If you answered yes to this question then I have some good news for you!! I found out that the Turner Syndrome society of the United States is offering College scholarships for Turner girls who are members of the TSSUS. If you would like an application for the scholarship please go to and fill one out :D Applications must be completed and handed in by March 31st. There are some requirements in order to recieve the scholarship, but if you qualify you will be notfied by May 1st!!!
Family spreads awareness of Turner syndrome
Hey sorry I haven't blogged since the beginning of the month. I really need to catch up on that, I would like to share this article I found about a little baby named Jozie Lewis and how she got diagnosed and how she is doing now. I think it was awesome that Jozie's mother knew a little bit about Turner Syndrome and helped her daughter get diagnosed Correctly.
Here's the link if you would like to read this article:
Here's the link if you would like to read this article:
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Turner Syndrome awareness month is here!!!
Hey guys...Its February which means its......*drum roll* TURNER SYNDROME AWARENESS MONTH!! don't forget to sport your buttons (mines on my purse) and/or your awareness t-shirt if you ordered one!!!
Monday, January 24, 2011
TS awareness shirt
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Turner Syndrome awareness month is coming!!!! do you have your awareness package??
Turner Syndrome awareness month is coming up...If you are a member of the Turner syndrome society of the United States you should be receiving a awareness package with the short happens buttons and awareness cards. If you are not a member you can email one of these three addresses, Deborah Rios who is the member services director ( or Natalie Bonfig the marketing director at Also, you can give them a call and leave a message 800.365.9944 T-shirts are also available for purchase for $18 plus shipping.
Monday, January 17, 2011
A woman sent this article through a facebook group and I think it's so...sweet that this mother wants her daughter to have her own children and would do this for her. The link for the article is below.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Turner syndrome awareness month!!!
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